R2 Radio Network: Bridging the Gap between Japan and the World

R2 Radio Network is a unique platform in the world of music and entertainment, offering a variety of shows produced by the international music label R2 Recordz. With three shows to choose from, R2 Radio, Risas Select, and the newly introduced Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro, each program brings a fresh, engaging perspective on

R2 Radio Network is a unique platform in the world of music and entertainment,  offering a variety of shows produced by the international music label R2  Recordz. With three shows to choose from, R2 Radio, Risa’s Select, and the  newly introduced “Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro,” each program brings a  fresh, engaging perspective on arts, culture, and entertainment. Risa’s Select is  a personally curated program that covers a wide range of topics, while R2  Radio and Trendy Pickups are bilingual music shows hosted by Risa Kumon and,  Rolandis “RORO” Ramsey. 

R2 Radio, available to an international audience with subtitles in Japanese and  English, features interviews with guests from the global entertainment industry  and covers music, art, and culture. ‘Trendy Pickups, on the other hand, is more  Japanese-centric with a touch of English and broadcasts from Tokyo’s popular  commercial radio station, Interfm89.7mhz. 

In this interview, we’ll delve deeper into R2 Radio Network’s unique offerings,  its founders’ vision, and its mission to connect Japan’s unique culture to the  world of entertainment.

What inspired you both to start a radio network?

Risa Kumon: We wanted to create a platform that would empower artists and 

musicians, giving them a voice and a platform to share their music and their  stories with the world. We believe that everyone has a story to tell, and we  wanted to create a space where those stories could be heard and celebrated. 

Roro: Well for me, I actually never really set out to do radio; it kinda just  happened and came to me. It all started in Okinawa when we were interviewed  about a song we had released and after a while of being regular guests for the  show, we were asked to come on as regular hosts, and I even engineered the  show. Then years later, I was offered my own show, Roro Radio, at a commercial  station in Fukuoka. After seeing the impact, I realized that this might be  something I should do more of. Eventually, Risa and I started collaborating on  various projects like working with Pharcyde Tv, a network created by Bootie  brown of the Pharcyde. After that, and we decided to start our own radio  network to showcase new and exciting music, explore different cultures and  trends, and promote cross-cultural exchange through music and entertainment.  R2 Radio Network was born out of a passion for creating something meaningful  and impactful. 

What sets R2 Radio’s shows apart from other entertainment focused radio programs? 

Risa Kumon : There are many things that set R2 Radio’s shows apart  from others but I’ll name a few. Firstly, we’re artists and creatives  ourselves, so we’re able to provide a unique perspective on things. We  understand the ins and outs of being an entertainer and the behind the-scenes aspects of the industry that others might not be aware of.

Roro: Another thing that sets us apart is our multilingualism. We strive  to cater to both our English and Japanese-speaking audiences  fluently. We’re also able to incorporate different cultures into our  content. For example, I come from a rich American culture, growing up  in a musical family and being exposed too many things related to  music, entertainment, and being black in America. 

Risa Kumon: And as a Japanese host, I bring a different cultural  perspective that isn’t always represented in mainstream  entertainment. We both have unique experiences and knowledge to  offer, which we believe makes our shows stand out from others in the  industry. 

 Can you walk us through the process of creating and producing one  of your shows? 

Roro: To create and produce our shows, we start by brainstorming  topics and guests, researching extensively, and preparing questions to  ensure we have a solid understanding of the subject matter. We then  put a lot of thought into the structure and flow of the show, coming up  with different segments and ideas to keep it engaging and interesting. 

Risa Kumon: When it’s time to record, we make sure we have all the  necessary equipment and technical support to ensure the best  listening experience for our audience. We work closely with a team of editors who help us fine-tune the final product, from editing the audio  to adding sound effects and music. Overall, we put a lot of care and  attention into every aspect of the show to create something that’s  both enjoyable and informative. 

What have been some of your favorite moments or interviews on the show so far? 

Roro: One of the things I really enjoy about hosting these shows is  getting to talk to artists who have a broad mindset on life and have  traveled extensively. I think it’s amazing when these artists step out of  their comfort zones in Japan and represent their country on a global  scale. We’ve had some fantastic Japanese guests on the show, such  as Drum Tao, Yoshida brothers, Dj Krush, Terumasa Hino and many  more. Speaking with Terumasa Hino, a legendary jazz trumpeter from  Japan, was definitely a highlight for me. It was incredible to learn  about his historic journey and his influence in the world of jazz.  Hearing him talk about his experiences playing in NYC with some Jazz  legends like Art Blakey or his encounters with Miles Davis was  absolutely fascinating. 

Risa Kumon: It’s hard to choose just one favorite moment or interview  from our show because there have been so many incredible guests  and inspiring stories. However, I have to say that some of my favorites  have been our interviews with Take 6, Dj Jazzy Jeff, and Corinne Bailey  Rae. These artists have all overcome obstacles and achieved  tremendous success in their respective fields, and it was truly inspiring to hear their stories. As an artist myself, I found their journeys  to be incredibly motivating, and I believe that their stories will inspire  others as well. 

What has been the biggest challenge in running R2 Radio Network? 

Roro: The biggest challenge in running R2 Radio has been finding a  balance between being a host and a recording artist/producer. It’s  difficult to give 100% to both at the same time. We both have a  passion for music and entertainment, but it’s not always easy to divide  our time and energy between our personal projects and the  responsibilities of running our shows. 

Risa Kumon: I agree. It’s not easy to switch between being a host and  an artist. Another challenge is maintaining the balance between  showcasing new and innovative content while staying true to our  mission of promoting cross-cultural exchange through music and  entertainment. Despite these challenges, we remain committed to  delivering the best content possible and continuing to grow and evolve  as a network. 

How do you separate your music career’s as Artist from the radio.

Roro: The line between music and radio is often blurred because they are both part of the entertainment industry. However, as a radio host,  it’s important to remain unbiased and not let personal preferences  influence the music selection or the way in which guests are  interviewed. This is different from being an artist, where you have  more freedom to create and express your personal taste. 

Risa Kumon: I agree with Roro, and would also add that as a radio host,  we are responsible for showcasing the guests and their talent to our  audience. We want to create an environment where the guest feels  comfortable and confident enough to share their story and music with  our listeners. As entertainers ourselves, we have a unique perspective  and understanding of the industry, which allows us to ask questions  that the average viewer might not think of. It’s like talking to a member  of our entertainment family. 

 How has being a radio host impacted your music careers?

Risa Kumon: Although being a radio host is not my primary focus, it  has been a great opportunity for me to share my music with a wider  audience. It allows me to debut my own music while also providing  additional information about the song in real-time, such as the story  behind it and the creative process. Despite the amount of work it  requires, I believe being a radio host has benefited my music career.

Roro: Since I was offered the opportunity to be a radio host due to my  music, I believe it has been beneficial for my music career as well. I  love creating music and being a radio host has given me another  avenue to explore in the music industry. Overall, I think being a radio  host has been a positive experience for both of us. 

How has the response been to R2 Radio Network from listeners in Japan and internationally? 

Roro: The response has been amazing! Our platform provides a unique  opportunity for people from both sides (the USA and Japan) to  experience things they might not have seen before. It’s a wonderful  way to showcase different aspects of Japanese culture to our  American listeners, and vice versa. 

Risa Kumon: Our listeners and viewers appreciate the fact that we  strive to bring them unique and fresh content that they won’t find  anywhere else. We are always looking for new ways to engage and  entertain our audience, and it’s been incredible to see how positively  people have responded to our shows. We are grateful for their support and we will continue to work hard to bring them the best content  possible. 

Could you share any details on your upcoming projects or  collaborations? 

Roro: Sure, we have so much in store for our listeners. Our main goal  right now is to expand the R2 Radio network and connect with even  more people around the world. We have a lot of exciting projects and  collaborations in the works that we can’t reveal just yet. We want to  surprise our listeners and keep them on the edge of their seats! So  stay tuned, because big things are coming your way from R2 Radio  Network. 

Risa Kumon: Yes, we have so much in store for our listeners this year! We are thrilled to share that we have some amazing shows lined up  that will keep you entertained and engaged. And, of course, I have  some new music in the works that I can’t wait to share with you all. My  latest single, “FREE,” has been gaining traction and receiving  incredible feedback, and I’m excited to keep the momentum going  with even more music releases soon. So stay tuned and keep your  eyes and ears peeled for more exciting announcements from us! In the  meantime, you can check out the “FREE” music video on my YouTube  channel and see what all the buzz is about.

(Risa Kumon new single “FREE”)

Is there anything else you’d like to share with everyone? 

Roro & Risa Kumon: Firstly, we would like to express our deep gratitude to all  who have been supporting us throughout our musical journey. We are truly  blessed to have such a wonderful community that appreciates our work. We  want to assure you that we have many exciting projects in the works, and we  can’t wait to share them with you all. So, if you want to stay updated with our  latest news, music releases, and shows, please visit our websites and follow us  on our social media handles. You can watch all the previous episodes via our  YouTube channel.  

We will be updating it regularly (https://www.youtube.com/@r2radio)  Once again, thank you for your love and support!

Stay up to date:  

R2 Radio: 


Ig: @R2radio  

YT: @r2radio 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/R2RADIO 

Risa Kumon:  


Ig: @RisaKumon 

YT: @SingerRisa 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/RisaKumonOfficial 

stream: https://lnk.to/RISAKUMONFREE 



IG: @Roromuzic 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/Roromuzicofficial/ 

YT: @roromusic

