Lionel Messi partners with OrCam to become ambassador for initiative to help people with Dyslexia an

Lionel Messi has partnered with OrCam as he has become the ambassador for helping people with ADHD and Dyslexia. The Inter Miami captain posted a message on his Instagram on the matter. Apart from being one of the best footballers on the planet, Messi has always been known for giving back to society, be it

Lionel Messi has partnered with OrCam as he has become the ambassador for helping people with ADHD and Dyslexia. The Inter Miami captain posted a message on his Instagram on the matter.

Apart from being one of the best footballers on the planet, Messi has always been known for giving back to society, be it through his football or his social work. He has partnered with OrCam, founded by Ziv Aviram.

Messi posted on his Instagram:

"As an OrCam Ambassador, I am proud to be part of a mission that’s transforming lives! Imagine a world where individuals with Dyslexia and ADHD can read with confidence! 🌟 That’s OrCam Learn’s vision. Reading with ease should be accessible to all, and OrCam Learn is breaking down those barriers. Join me on this empowering journey to create a world where every person can thrive with their true potential."

Apart from his business ventures and other initiatives off the field, Lionel Messi has also been in stunning form on the pitch for MLS club Inter Miami. He made his debut for the American club in a Leagues Cup showdown against Liga MX side Cruz Azul. Messi has since scored seven goals and has provided one assist in four matches for his new club.

FC Dallas star spoke about his interaction with Lionel Messi

As Inter Miami defeated FC Dallas in their latest Leagues Cup game via penalties, Lionel Messi was the star of the show. The Argentine netted twice, the first and the last goals for his team, in a game that ended 4-4 after regulation time.

Apart from Messi, another Argentine performed superbly in that game, FC Dallas' Alan Velasco. He scored one goal for his team and orchestrated a move that ended up in an own goal. Velasco spoke about his interaction with Lionel Messi after the game as he said (via GOAL):

"It's a game that I will never forget in my life. I played against Messi, he gave me his shirt and a hug. I asked for it, clearly. I'm happy on that side."

Further speaking about his chat with Lionel Messi, Velasco said:

"I spoke [about] something that a friend of his had told me, nothing bad. Where he grew up in his childhood, that's why he was surprised."

Messi and Co. will return to action on August 11 as they take on Charlotte FC in the Leagues Cup quarter-finals. Inter Miami have been undefeated since the Argentina captain made his debut.

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