Is Dr. Zachary Okhah board certified? Jacky Oh's surgeon comes under scrutiny in wake of tragedy

Wild 'N Out star Jacky Oh's surgeon, Dr. Zachary Okhah, is being targeted by netizens on social media following her demise. Oh was 32 years old at the time of her death, and although her cause of death remains unknown, a Twitter page under the username @TheCosmeticLane stated that she underwent a "Mommy Makeover" procedure

Wild 'N Out star Jacky Oh's surgeon, Dr. Zachary Okhah, is being targeted by netizens on social media following her demise. Oh was 32 years old at the time of her death, and although her cause of death remains unknown, a Twitter page under the username @TheCosmeticLane stated that she underwent a "Mommy Makeover" procedure due to which she had a heart attack.

Dr. Zachary Okhah was claimed to be the one who performed the surgery. He is a board-certified plastic surgeon who emphasizes surgical facial rejuvenation techniques alongside breast and body contouring procedures.

Before her death, Oh shared a picture on Instagram with Okhah, where she was seen wearing a disposable medical gown, and wrote that she would reveal everything else about her procedure on her YouTube channel.

The news of Oh's passing was also shared on Wild 'N Out's official Instagram page, where it was stated that her impact on the show would be missed forever. She was described as a loving friend and beloved colleague on the show for five seasons. The post also mentioned:

"More importantly, she was a tremendous mother to three beautiful children. The BET Media Group extends our sincere condolences to the Smith Family, DC Young Fly, B Simone, Nick Cannon, and all friends who loved and cared for Jacky Oh during this difficult time."

Dr. Zachary Okhah reportedly filed lawsuits against his patients in the past

Dr. Zachary Okhah is a plastic surgeon, but his patients have reportedly complained about his alleged botched procedures in the past. Several people took to social media after Jacky Oh's demise as soon as they learned about his past, claiming that Oh's death was suspicious.

Dr. Zachary Okhah's Instagram bio states that he is the founder and owner of a plastic surgery clinic called PH-1 Miami. According to their website, Okhah has created the best body contouring process that can maximize natural aesthetic outcomes. Meanwhile, Okhah has also sued the majority of his patients for claiming certain things about him on social media platforms.

Okhah filed a lawsuit for $30,000 against Leila Penn in July 2021 after the latter wrote in a RealSelf review that Okhah mutilated her during a procedure. Page Six acquired the legal documents where Okhah described Penn's statements as "false and defamatory." Okhah mentioned that Penn told his clients to avoid visiting him, but he later dismissed the lawsuit in December of the same year.

In September 2021, Zachary Okhah filed a lawsuit against Kyla Neirenburg, another patient, as Kyla claimed that he does not have happy patients. According to Kyla, all of the people who were close to Okhah wrote positive comments about him on online review sites. However, this suit was also reportedly dismissed in December 2021.

Jacky Oh was a well-known face on television

Jacky Oh completed her graduation at the University of California, Berkeley, and her ethnicity was African-American. She was known for her appearances in the VH1 series Wild 'N Out.

She was running a YouTube channel titled mcjackyoh, where she used to share content related to modeling alongside the moments she spent with her family and her acting experience. As an entrepreneur, she started a lip gloss line called J. Nova Collection in 2019.

Oh was romantically linked to D.C. Young Fly since 2015. They were the parents of three children, two daughters and a son, born between 2016 and 2022.

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