How to fix, possible reasons, and more

Bugs and performance issues seem to be affecting a fair portion of the Hogwarts Legacy player base even today. It has only been a week since the launch of Avalanche Softwares RPG. While the developers have already addressed a fair number of issues in the most recent patch for the game, there seem to be

Bugs and performance issues seem to be affecting a fair portion of the Hogwarts Legacy player base even today.

It has only been a week since the launch of Avalanche Software’s RPG. While the developers have already addressed a fair number of issues in the most recent patch for the game, there seem to be certain glitches that seeped through the cracks.

Many Wizarding World fans seem to be encountering one such bug when they try to rescue Biscuit the Mooncalf. To round out the quest, players are required to unlock the cage and let the Magical Beasts go free. However, to begin with, the bug does not allow the players to unlock the cage.

Unfortunately, this issue is recurring with certain missions in the game, and there is no permanent solution for it as of yet. However, there are certain steps and workarounds that the community has come up with that can help tackle the problem temporarily.

Today’s guide goes over certain things that you can do to deal with the “Can’t rescue Biscuit the Mooncalf” bug in Hogwarts Legacy.

Reasons behind the “Can’t rescue Biscuit the Mooncalf” error in Hogwarts Legacy and how to fix it

As mentioned earlier, there is no permanent solution to the glitch that occurs when trying to rescue Biscuit the Mooncalf in Hogwarts Legay. Listed below are a few things that you can try out to deal with the problem.

1) Restarting the game

Since this glitch is occurring on all platforms (PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S), one of the best things that you can do is restart the game or reload the last saved checkpoint.

For most of the Wizarding World community, reloading the environment and the instance seems to have done the trick. The game was finally giving players a prompt to help Biscuit out of its cage.

Restarting Hogwarts Legacy on your platforms might just be the solution you need to solve the performance issue in the game.

2) Check for file integrity

Steam users can check for file integrity by making the client go over all the files in the installation directory. If there are corrupt files in the folder, the process will automatically go over all the files in the directory and replace the ones that are damaged or corrupt.

To do so, you will need to make your way to the Steam Client > Right-click on the game > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Files.

3) Re-installing the game

While this may look like a rather drastic step, re-installing Hogwarts Legacy has fixed the game for many players in the community. It is also likely to deal with some of the other performance issues in the game, like crashes and getting stuck under the map.

4) Waiting for a patch

The Hogwarts Legacy developers have mentioned that they are aware of the bug that is not letting players rescue Biscuit the Mooncalf. Hence, they will be looking to address it permanently in a future patch.

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