How to easily obtain the Atomic Recalibrator toy in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

The recent World of Warcraft: Dragonflight update introduced exciting new features and items, adding some fresh gameplay to the MMO. One particularly fun item is the Atomic Recalibrator toy, which allows players to change their character's race and model for up to an hour.

The recent World of Warcraft: Dragonflight update introduced exciting new features and items, adding some fresh gameplay to the MMO. One particularly fun item is the Atomic Recalibrator toy, which allows players to change their character's race and model for up to an hour.

With this toy, players can take on the appearance of another race while keeping the racial abilities of their original character. The feature is purely cosmetic, so players can only cast the specs of their original race, but with the animation of the new race they're cosplaying as.

As a result, the item has become a coveted item within the WoW community. In this guide, we will discuss what players need to do to obtain the Atomic Recalibrator toy in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

Obtaining the Atomic Recalibrator toy in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

To be able to get your hands on the Atomic Recalibrator you will need to craft it, which can only be done if you have the Engineering profession in the MMO. You can only learn the schematics for the toy once you have leveled up to Dragon Isles Engineering category.

To obtain the schematics for the Atomic Recalibrator, you must invest 10 points into the Novelties specialization within the Mechanical Mind section of the Engineering tree, found in the Dragon Isles Engineering category.

Once you have the schematics for the toy, you will then be able to craft the item by getting your hands on the following number of resources:

  • Arclight Capacitor (2)
  • Greased-up Gears (4)
  • Handful of Serevite Bolts (20)
  • Reinforced Machine Chassis (2)
  • Shock-Spring Coil (6)

Once you have your hands on the required resources as well as the schematics, you can craft the Atomic Recalibrator toy in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

However, this step only works for those who have gone for the Engineering class in the MMO. Those who have not gone for the class can purchase the Atomic Recalibrator from the Auction House and then add it to their collection immediately.

However, this process will cost you a fair bit of money, and you will be able to purchase it from the shop for anywhere between 5,000 to 10,000 gold.

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