How did Daniel Radcliffe and Erin Darke meet? Height difference and more explored as couple make rar

Daniel Radcliffe and his girlfriend Erin Darke recently made a rare public appearance at the Toronto International Film Festival at the premiere of his new film Weird: The Al Yankovic Story. The Harry Potter star, who plays the titular role in the film, wore a patterned shirt under a navy blue suit while his girlfriend

Daniel Radcliffe and his girlfriend Erin Darke recently made a rare public appearance at the Toronto International Film Festival at the premiere of his new film Weird: The Al Yankovic Story.

The Harry Potter star, who plays the titular role in the film, wore a patterned shirt under a navy blue suit while his girlfriend donned a bright sky blue dress. The couple looked cozy and high in spirits as they posed for the cameras.

The couple’s latest red carpet appearance comes after Radcliffe opened up about his relationship while speaking to People in March. He said at the time:

“I've got a really nice life. I've been with my girlfriend for a decade pretty much. We're really happy. I just got to make the Weird Al movie, which is honestly one of the most pleasurable, exciting experiences in my career.”

Daniel Radcliffe and Erin Darke first met on the set of their 2013 film Kill Your Darlings and started dating shortly after. Although the pair mostly kept their relationship out of the public eye, they have been together for nearly 10 years.

A look into Daniel Radcliffe and Erin Darke’s relationship

Daniel Radcliffe and Erin Darke have been dating for nearly a decade (Image via Shutterstock)

Daniel Radcliffe and Erin Darke first met on the set of Kill Your Darlings in 2013. The former played the role of a young Allen Ginsberg in the movie while Darke’s character was shown to have a brief romance with Ginsberg.

The duo were first spotted together offscreen at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival to promote their film. A source told US Weekly at the time:

“They were affectionate most of the night. They were a little more obvious outside the venue after they were leaving.”

Their relationship was later confirmed by Radcliffe during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen later that year. He said:

“Yes, I am dating someone. And my type is… the type I keep private. My type is intelligent.”

Radcliffe and Darke made their red carpet debut at the 2014 Tony Awards and also garnered media attention for their height difference. The Lost City actor, whose height is 5-foot-5, is slightly shorter Darke, who is 5-foot-7.

The former child star further opened up about his relationship with Darke during a 2014 interview with US Weekly and said that the actress was one of his best friends:

“I think that's the kind of relationship I always aspire to have with someone I'm in a relationship with. You want that person to be your best friend. In the case of Erin, we definitely are.”

He also spoke to Parade that same year and spoke about meeting Darke for the first time and finding an instant connection with the actress:

“It was one of those instant things where you're like, 'Oh, I really like this person.' You just have a connection with somebody, and then suddenly it's incredibly easy to talk to them. It was one of those sort of situations.”

The following year, a video of Daniel Radcliffe and Erin Darke rapping Eminem's The Real Slim Shady at karaoke went viral online and also featured a moment of the couple sharing a sweet kiss.

In 2018, Radcliffe shared that his girlfriend was a fan of the beard he had to grow for his role in Miracle Workers.

“She doesn’t mind it actually. Apparently I have a soft beard and it is not scratchy, so that’s good. But yeah, I think [it] was a little bit too long, even by her standards.”

In March 2020, Daniel Radcliffe spoke to Vulture about spending quarantine with Darke:

“We decided to be super-responsible and self-quarantine so we haven’t stepped out of the apartment in… 11 days? We’re both in the situation where we’ve never been more grateful not to have a kid, or more annoyed that we don’t have a dog. But generally speaking, compared to a lot of people, we are very, very much okay.”

Earlier this year, the couple were seen together at a New York screening of The Lost City prior to their recent appearance at the Toronto International Film Festival.

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