ApacheHttpClient.Builder (AWS SDK for Java

JavaScript is disabled on your browser. The amount of time to wait for data to be transferred over an established, open connection before the connection is timed out. A duration of 0 means infinity, and is not recommended.

ApacheHttpClient.Builder (AWS SDK for Java - 2.25.22) All Superinterfaces: Buildable, SdkBuilder<ApacheHttpClient.Builder,SdkHttpClient>, SdkHttpClient.Builder<ApacheHttpClient.Builder> Enclosing class: ApacheHttpClient Builder for creating an instance of SdkHttpClient. The factory can be configured through the builder ApacheHttpClient.builder(), once built it can create a SdkHttpClient via SdkHttpClient.Builder.build() or can be passed to the SDK client builders directly to have the SDK create and manage the HTTP client. See documentation on the service's respective client builder for more information on configuring the HTTP layer.
 SdkHttpClient httpClient = ApacheHttpClient.builder() .socketTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) .build(); 
  • Method Details

    • socketTimeout

      The amount of time to wait for data to be transferred over an established, open connection before the connection is timed out. A duration of 0 means infinity, and is not recommended.

    • connectionTimeout

      The amount of time to wait when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out. A duration of 0 means infinity, and is not recommended.

    • connectionAcquisitionTimeout

      The amount of time to wait when acquiring a connection from the pool before giving up and timing out.

      Parameters: connectionAcquisitionTimeout - the timeout duration Returns: this builder for method chaining.
    • maxConnections

      The maximum number of connections allowed in the connection pool. Each built HTTP client has its own private connection pool.

    • proxyConfiguration

      Configuration that defines how to communicate via an HTTP proxy.

    • localAddress

      Configure the local address that the HTTP client should use for communication.

    • expectContinueEnabled

      Configure whether the client should send an HTTP expect-continue handshake before each request.

    • connectionTimeToLive

      The maximum amount of time that a connection should be allowed to remain open, regardless of usage frequency.

    • connectionMaxIdleTime

      Configure the maximum amount of time that a connection should be allowed to remain open while idle.

    • useIdleConnectionReaper

      Configure whether the idle connections in the connection pool should be closed asynchronously.

      When enabled, connections left idling for longer than connectionMaxIdleTime(Duration) will be closed. This will not close connections currently in use. By default, this is enabled.

    • dnsResolver

      Configuration that defines a DNS resolver. If no matches are found, the default resolver is used.

    • socketFactory

      Configuration that defines a custom Socket factory. If set to a null value, a default factory is used.

      When set to a non-null value, the use of a custom factory implies the configuration options TRUST_ALL_CERTIFICATES, TLS_TRUST_MANAGERS_PROVIDER, and TLS_KEY_MANAGERS_PROVIDER are ignored.

    • httpRoutePlanner

    • credentialsProvider

    • tcpKeepAlive

      Configure whether to enable or disable TCP KeepAlive. The configuration will be passed to the socket option SocketOptions.SO_KEEPALIVE.

      By default, this is disabled.

      When enabled, the actual KeepAlive mechanism is dependent on the Operating System and therefore additional TCP KeepAlive values (like timeout, number of packets, etc) must be configured via the Operating System (sysctl on Linux/Mac, and Registry values on Windows).

    • tlsKeyManagersProvider

    • tlsTrustManagersProvider

