30 TJ Hockenson-inspired Fantasy Football team names to try out in 2023 season

TJ Hockenson has had a strong start to the 2023 NFL season, despite the struggles for the Minnesota Vikings. The tight end has racked up 179 yards and two touchdowns on 23 receptions in three games. Although the Vikings are 0-3, Hockenson has been the bright spark in their offense. The 26-year-old will be eager

TJ Hockenson has had a strong start to the 2023 NFL season, despite the struggles for the Minnesota Vikings. The tight end has racked up 179 yards and two touchdowns on 23 receptions in three games.

Although the Vikings are 0-3, Hockenson has been the bright spark in their offense. The 26-year-old will be eager to help his side end their losing streak in Week 4 when Minnesota takes on the Carolina Panthers.

Nonetheless, Hockenson has impressed this season and he's become quite a popular fantasy pick. In fact, some fantasy managers have even considered changing their team names based on him.

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Also read: 500+ Funny Fantasy Football Team Names 2023

30 of the best TJ Hockenson-inspired fantasy football team names

Best TJ Hockenson-inspired fantasy football team names

With the 2023 NFL regular season in full swing, fantasy football has become the talk of the town in recent weeks. However, it's important for fantasy managers to come up with creative team names that can make them stand out from the rest.

Many choose to use combinations of their favorite players. If you want to change your team name around Minnesota Vikings tight end TJ Hockenson, we've got you covered.

List of TJ Hockenson Fantasy Football Team Names to use in 2023:

  • Hockenson a Loogie
  • Hock Shop
  • The Hard Hock Hotel
  • Hock of Seagulls
  • Hocked and Loaded
  • Hock and Roll
  • The Incredible Hock
  • Deck the Hocks
  • For Those About to Hock
  • Hocks Squad
  • The Best Hock In Minnesota
  • TJ Me This
  • Hocks Eyes
  • Hocks And Ladders
  • All Hock But No Bite
  • Hock Of Thrones
  • Saved By The Hocks
  • All The Hocks Together
  • A Hock Like Hurricane
  • I Have Hock Friends
  • Hockenson Will Handle It
  • Hocks In The City
  • Red Hock Football
  • Hock For One And One For Hock
  • Hockenson's Dragons
  • Hock On The Roof
  • Hock Dog
  • Hock Catches
  • King Hockenson
  • Hockenson's And Daughters
  • Also Read: Inappropriate NFL fantasy football team names to consider before 2023

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